Workshop on gender, cultural change, and political economy




As part of the biennial UBS Center Advisory Board meeting, we organized an academic workshop, which included presentations from board members and members of the Department of Economics. The workshop covered established papers that have not lost their topicality until today – like Marianne Bertrand’s paper on breaking the glass ceiling – to recent studies with new findings – like Raquel Fernández’ study on coming out in America – to unpublished papers on topics like contagious extremism or social preferences and redistributive politics.

Gender Economics

  • Marianne Bertrand - Breaking the Glass Ceiling? The Effect of Board Quotas on Female Labor Market Outcomes in Norway download
  • Nir Jaimovich - The End of Men download

Experience, Cultural Change, and Economic Behavior

  • Ulrike Malmendier - Scarred Consumption download
  • Guilherme Lichand - The Psychological Effects of Poverty on Children's Human Capital Investments download
  • Raquel Fernández - Coming Out in America download

Political Economy

  • Ernst Fehr - Social Preferences and Redistributive Politics (working paper to be published)
  • David Yanagizawa-Drott - Contagious Extremism: Nazi Marches and Radical Voting (together with Joachim Voth and Bruno Caprettini, working paper to be published)
  • Alberto Alesina - Immigration and redistribution download

Host: Joachim Voth, Scientific Director UBS Center - contact

As part of the biennial UBS Center Advisory Board meeting, we organized an academic workshop, which included presentations from board members and members of the Department of Economics. The workshop covered established papers that have not lost their topicality until today – like Marianne Bertrand’s paper on breaking the glass ceiling – to recent studies with new findings – like Raquel Fernández’ study on coming out in America – to unpublished papers on topics like contagious extremism or social preferences and redistributive politics.

Gender Economics

  • Marianne Bertrand - Breaking the Glass Ceiling? The Effect of Board Quotas on Female Labor Market Outcomes in Norway download
  • Nir Jaimovich - The End of Men download

Experience, Cultural Change, and Economic Behavior

  • Ulrike Malmendier - Scarred Consumption download
  • Guilherme Lichand - The Psychological Effects of Poverty on Children's Human Capital Investments download
  • Raquel Fernández - Coming Out in America download

Political Economy

  • Ernst Fehr - Social Preferences and Redistributive Politics (working paper to be published)
  • David Yanagizawa-Drott - Contagious Extremism: Nazi Marches and Radical Voting (together with Joachim Voth and Bruno Caprettini, working paper to be published)
  • Alberto Alesina - Immigration and redistribution download

Host: Joachim Voth, Scientific Director UBS Center - contact

Nir Jaimovich, University of Zurich
Nir Jaimovich, University of Zurich
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley
Guilherme Lichand, University of Zurich
Guilherme Lichand, University of Zurich
Raquel Fernández, New York University
Raquel Fernández, New York University
Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich
Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich
Alberto Alesina, Harvard University
Alberto Alesina, Harvard University


Chris P. Dialynas Distinguished Service Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Chicago Booth School of Business
Prof. Marianne Bertrand
Professor of Economics, Affiliated Professor at the UBS Center

Nir Jaimovich ist ein Makroökonom, der sich mit Konjunkturzyklen und der Dynamik des Arbeitsmarktes befasst. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) und Mitherausgeber des Journal of Monetary Economics und des Journal of Economic Theory. Bevor er an die Universität Zürich kam, war Professor Jaimovich an der Fakultät der Marshall School of Business an der USC, der Duke University, der Stanford University und der University of California, San Diego, tätig. Darüber hinaus war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Rahmen des Programms "Economic Fluktuationen und Wachstum" des National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Edward J. und Mollie Arnold Professorin für Finanzen, Haas School of Business
Prof. Ulrike M. Malmendier

Ulrike Malmendier ist Edward J. und Mollie Arnold Professorin für Finanzen an der Haas School of Business und Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der University of California. Ihre Forschungsinteressen sind Unternehmensfinanzierung, Verhaltensökonomie / Verhaltensfinanzierung, Ökonomie von Organisationen, Vertragstheorie, Recht und Wirtschaft, Recht und Finanzen. Im Jahr 2013 erhielt Malmendier den renommierten Fisher-Black-Preis von der American Finance Association, die alle zwei Jahre Top-Finanzgelehrten unter 40 Jahren vergeben wird. Sie ist seit September 2022 Mitglied des Sachverständigenrates.

Assistant Professorship for Child Well-Being and Development supported by UNICEF Switzerland
Guilherme Lichand

Guilherme Lichand is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, and Research Director of the Center for Child Wellbeing and Development at the University of Zurich. He uses lab-in-the-field experiments to study the impacts of poverty on decision-making. Guilherme holds a PhD in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University, and has been acknowledged by MIT Technology Review as Brazil's top under-35 social innovator in 2014.

Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität New York
Prof. Raquel Fernández

Raquel Fernández is Professor of Economics at New York University. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University in 1988. She is an Affiliated Professor at University of Oslo, ESOP. Before moving to New York University, she has been a tenured professor at Boston University and the London School of Economics. She serves as an associate editor at the Journal of Economic Literature and has served as advisor to the World Bank’s WDR on Gender Equality and Development.
Her research focuses on sovereign debt, public economics, culture and economics, development and gender issues, inequality, and political economy.

Professor of Economics, Affiliated Professor am UBS Center

Ernst Fehr promovierte 1986 an der Universität Wien. Seine Arbeit hat gezeigt, wie soziale Motive die Zusammenarbeit, Verhandlungen und Koordination zwischen Akteuren beeinflussen und wie sich dies auf das Funktionieren von Anreizen, Märkten und Organisationen auswirkt. Seine Arbeit identifiziert wichtige Bedingungen, unter denen die Zusammenarbeit floriert und zusammenbricht. Die Arbeit an den psychologischen Grundlagen von Anreizen informiert uns über die Vorzüge und Grenzen finanzieller Anreize für die Vergütung von Mitarbeitern. In anderen Arbeiten hat er die Bedeutung der Unternehmenskultur für die Leistung von Unternehmen gezeigt. In neueren Arbeiten zeigt er, wie sich soziale Motive darauf auswirken, wie Menschen über Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Umverteilung von Einkommen abstimmen und wie Unterschiede in der inneren Geduld der Menschen mit der Ungleichheit des Wohlstands zusammenhängen. Seine Arbeit hat innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft mit mehr als 100.000 Zitaten von Google Scholar große Resonanz gefunden, und seine Arbeit wurde mehrfach in internationalen und nationalen Zeitungen erwähnt.

Professor of Development and Emerging Markets, Affiliated Professor at the UBS Center

David Yanagizawa-Drott received his PhD from IIES at Stockholm University in 2010. At that point, he was hired as Assistant Professor at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He was then promoted to Associate Professor in 2014. In 2016, he was hired as a full professor at University of Zürich. His research has shown that propaganda can cause violent conflict, studying the impact of hate media during the Rwanda Genocide. David has also examined the role of political protests in shaping policy outcomes and elections, establishing evidence that they can be highly effective in moving public opinion. In developing countries, a lot of his work focuses on the how to improve health outcomes and economic outcomes for poor households. In this line of work, for example, David implemented a randomized field experiment that showed that a simple Community Health Worker intervention in Uganda, based on a social entrepreneurship model, reduced child mortality by more than twenty percent. David is a member of several research networks, such as Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), The Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), European Development Research Network (EUDN) and Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). His work has been highlighted in various international media outlets, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, The Economist and various national TV news broadcasts in the U.S.

Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University
✝ Prof. Alberto Alesina

Alesina was a leader in the field of Political Economics and has published extensively in all major academic journals in economics. His work has covered a variety of topics: the political economy of fiscal policy and budget deficits, the process of European integration, stabilization policies in high inflation countries, currency unions, the political economic determinants of redistributive policies, and the differences in the welfare state in the US and Europe.

Chris P. Dialynas Distinguished Service Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Chicago Booth School of Business
Prof. Marianne Bertrand
Professor of Economics, Affiliated Professor at the UBS Center

Nir Jaimovich ist ein Makroökonom, der sich mit Konjunkturzyklen und der Dynamik des Arbeitsmarktes befasst. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) und Mitherausgeber des Journal of Monetary Economics und des Journal of Economic Theory. Bevor er an die Universität Zürich kam, war Professor Jaimovich an der Fakultät der Marshall School of Business an der USC, der Duke University, der Stanford University und der University of California, San Diego, tätig. Darüber hinaus war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Rahmen des Programms "Economic Fluktuationen und Wachstum" des National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Edward J. und Mollie Arnold Professorin für Finanzen, Haas School of Business
Prof. Ulrike M. Malmendier

Ulrike Malmendier ist Edward J. und Mollie Arnold Professorin für Finanzen an der Haas School of Business und Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der University of California. Ihre Forschungsinteressen sind Unternehmensfinanzierung, Verhaltensökonomie / Verhaltensfinanzierung, Ökonomie von Organisationen, Vertragstheorie, Recht und Wirtschaft, Recht und Finanzen. Im Jahr 2013 erhielt Malmendier den renommierten Fisher-Black-Preis von der American Finance Association, die alle zwei Jahre Top-Finanzgelehrten unter 40 Jahren vergeben wird. Sie ist seit September 2022 Mitglied des Sachverständigenrates.

Assistant Professorship for Child Well-Being and Development supported by UNICEF Switzerland
Guilherme Lichand

Guilherme Lichand is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, and Research Director of the Center for Child Wellbeing and Development at the University of Zurich. He uses lab-in-the-field experiments to study the impacts of poverty on decision-making. Guilherme holds a PhD in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University, and has been acknowledged by MIT Technology Review as Brazil's top under-35 social innovator in 2014.


University of Zurich

Department of Economics, SOF-G-21, Schönberggasse 1, 8001 Zürich
(Google Maps)